About Us

Commercial Plastics Users are Finding Out About the Quality of Pearl City Recycling

About Pearl City Recycling

Pearl City Recycling was started to reduce the plastic crisis in India. Our mission is to make plastic more sustainable through innovation, technology and determination. We believe that plastic is a great material and it is very much required for everyday lives and by using the right technology we can convert all waste plastic into the virgin plastic.

How we Work

We collect all plastic waste materials from industries as well as consumers, Kabadiwalas and Dumping yards. These are in different forms like article waste, lumps, regrades, aglo films, rolls, sheets, bails, etc. These materials are being converted into different verities of granules.

Mission and Vision

The visionary goal is to Honoring the Lord in all we do by operating in a manner consistent with Biblical principles. We also believe that God commissions us to rule over the creation in a way that sustains, protects, and enhances his works so that all creation may fulfill the purposes God intended for it. We must manage the environment not simply for our own benefit but for God′s glory
The mission statement of the proposed plastics recycling start-up company, named
Our visionary goal is also to become the largest successful plastics recycler in India and be the standard that all other plastics recyclers can measure themselves against Pearl City Recycling